Happiness. You can make it happen.

 Lately it seems that nearly everyone I know is having major life challenges. So many people are depressed, anxious, unhappy. When I was in my twenties I went through a very painful time of deep depression….I know how hard it is to pull out of that. I was seeing a shrink and on antidepressant drugs. […]

The Drug You Must Give Up to Manifest Love

My wise and brilliant friend, John Assaraf, recently wrote: “The older I get (and hopefully wiser) I realize that some people are just happiest (or most comfortable) when they are miserable. I know it’s an oxymoron but it’s true. As I travel the world sharing the lessons and specific strategies for achieving success, I come […]

Is he the ONE for you?

Ever wonder if your relationship is more good than bad? Or, if it’s right for you? My dear friend Linda Sivertsen, who has a beautiful relationship with her boyfriend of four years, has created the ultimate tool to finally make sense of your love life. It’s called The Boyfriend Log, and it’s an iphone/ipad app. If […]

Tired of Being Single? Time to Unlock Your Heart!

My friend and healer, Dr. Bradley Nelson, is an internationally recognized expert in energy medicine and is the author of The Emotion Code. I’ve asked him to share with you today some very enlightening and important information about healing and unlocking your heart: Ancient peoples believed that the heart was the seat of the soul and the […]

Have the COURAGE to love

Courage is the key to having a fantastically intimate and loving relationship. It is a muscle that must be constantly exercised in order for it to show up in all of your actions and communications. It takes courage to get into a relationship, to fall in love, and to commit to another human being. It […]

Be A Great Kisser!

Kissing is really one of life’s simple pleasures! As if we needed a really good reason to kiss the object of our desire, it turns out that some researchers believe that kissing evolved as a way to assess a potential partner’s compatibility because it exchanges a host of information about health and hormonal status. Dr. […]

Busting Through Your Love Fears

Are you terrified of getting hurt (again)? Afraid of being disappointed in love? Scared of dating? Fearful that it’s just “not meant to be?” Guess what?  You are not alone.  Nearly all of us have been hurt, disappointed, scared and fearful of love. The difference between those that find love and those that don’t is […]

The #1 predictor of relationship Success…

Today I wanted to share with you fascinating research that my friend and licensed relationship expert, Randy Bennett, recently brought to my attention. It has to do with a remarkable “secret weapon” that researchers discovered can actually transform your relationship from a miserable, stale, boring, emotionally-starved desert into a lush garden full of fun, intimacy and passion. Sound impossible?  Think again…enjoy! […]

This Is A Powerful film about Soulmates!

Exasperating, difficult, painful, frustrating and crazy-making are just a few of the “normal “emotions most couples experience from time to time.  Even soulmates. What isn’t “normal” is witnessing the dialogue of another couple in the throes of working through their issues….which is the essence of the compelling new film by Richard Linklater, Before Midnight. In part […]

Survey Says: Online Dating leads to marriage!

Did you know that more than one-third of marriages now begin via online dating sites? Did you know that couples that meet online are twice as likely to marry than those who meet offline? And, did you know that couples that met online are happier than those who didn’t? These are just some of the […]