Why Men Marry

Researcher John Molloy interviewed 3,000 couples as they exited marriage license bureaus, and what he learned is was amazing.  Here are just a few of the fascinating facts about “why men marry.” Men are attracted by the physical but marry character.  68% of men said they chose their wives because they were classy, positive, energetic, […]

Love Before First Sight – A Reminder!

During the past month I’ve been teaching more than usual and meeting lots of students of The Soulmate Secret (which is always fun!).  It seems that everywhere I go I hear from several women that The Soulmate Secret worked for them and they are now happily married to their soulmate. (YAY!) The question I always […]

Love, Law of Attraction and YOU!

Friday is Valentine’s Day (as I am sure you know) and I want you to give yourself permission to spoil yourself completely! If you feel yourself resisting this idea, please remember that the Law of Attraction states “what you put your attention on grows.” When we focus on self love, we attract more love. Now, […]

The Marriage Effect – the latest research!

I recently came across some fascinating research.  It turns out the married couples, that are essentially happy and are in a good marriage, get the benefits of something called The Marriage Effect which means that they are: More likely to live longer More likely to be physically and mentally healthier and happier And will recover […]

Overcoming Your LOVE FEARS

Today I want to share with a story about a woman who believed she would never manifest a soulmate.  Shelly, age 45, was born with a visible physical disability. Although she’d become a successful professional woman, she had resigned herself to never finding love, particularly as she was unable to do many of the normal […]

Dating Tips That Can Make ALL the difference

I watched this fun and funny TED talk the other day about a woman, Amy Webb, a data-loving CEO of a technology company, who figured out how to REALLY use online dating to her advantage.  Then, my new friend Amy Baglan, shared with me that she not only LOVED this TED talk, she also created an article about […]

Be A LOVE Philanthropist

One of my favorite lines from A Course In Miracles is this: “The only thing that can be lacking in any situation is that which you are not giving.” If your desire is to have more love in your life, the fastest way to get it is to give it. This week I’d like to […]

Powerful Way To Connect to Love Today

A few weeks ago I wrote about the nature of time and how past, present and future all exist simultaneously on the cosmic level.  This is great news because it means we can connect NOW with our beloved. There is an easy fun exercise you can do today that will draw your soulmate closer to […]

PROOF of Love Before First Sight!

According to quantum physics, poets, and countless spiritual philosophies, we are all connected together in the unified field. This unified field is a timeless place where past, present and future all co-exist, simultaneously. While I can’t give you a better scientific explanation of this, I can tell you that I know, trust, and believe this […]

The #1 predictor of relationship Success…

Today I wanted to share with you fascinating research that my friend and licensed relationship expert, Randy Bennett, recently brought to my attention. It has to do with a remarkable “secret weapon” that researchers discovered can actually transform your relationship from a miserable, stale, boring, emotionally-starved desert into a lush garden full of fun, intimacy and passion. Sound impossible?  Think again…enjoy! […]