Dreams really DO come true

I want for you what YOU want for you. Want more money, a new career, better health?  I want that for you too! If you desire a soulmate, YES, I want that for you as well. Some people have generously referred to me as the Fairy Godmother of Love. And I do have a magic […]

Are YOU Supporting Your Dreams?

We all have dreams and desires that we would just LOVE to come true.   Perhaps you have a clear picture of what your dream is.   You think about it, wish and hope it’s going to come true…but are you really doing everything you can do co-create your dream with the Universe?   What […]

Would you rather be “right” or “loved?”

As a recovering “need to be right” person, I grew up in an era and a home where “being right” was highly valued.  From my first days in school, I saw that raising your hand and having the “right” answer meant you were smart. At home “being right” meant being loved for being smart. I […]

The Mantra to Manifest Love

Can you chant a mantra to manifest love? According to my friend, expert Lissa Coffey, the answer is a big yes. Below she explains exactly how to do it: In the ancient Vedic texts, it is explained that everything is made up of sound. Sound, or vibration, is the purest form of energy. And there […]

What’s In The Way of Love?

When it comes to having more LOVE in your life, total clarity on how you desire to feel is the first step. For those of you who are hyper focused on the “form” your love comes in, I am inviting you to shift into the “feeling space” and for just now, let go of your […]

Top 10 Ways To Have Fun This Summer

My favorite season has arrived – Summer!   I love that the sun is out till past 8pm, and we can enjoy the warm breezes, and all the yummy, juicy fruit that is in season.   To make the most of this special time, I do extra long range planning to create memorable, special summer […]

Can You Make Someone Fall in Love with You?

People often ask me how to use the Law of Attraction to bring back an ex lover or convince someone new to love them.  I do not believe this is the best use of the Law of Attraction and I am not even sure if it would work.  I don’t believe in impeding on someone […]

How To Be The LeBron of LOVE

This morning Brian and I were talking about NBA superstar, LeBron James, and what it took for him to achieve greatness…all the dedicated hours of practice, energy, focus, and most importantly, desire. I realized that many of the same things apply to manifesting a soulmate, without as much sweat! Are you ready to get onto […]

Manifesting A Man who LOVES Women

When creating your soulmate wish list of the heart traits and qualities you most want your beloved to possess, one item to keep in mind is this: A man, who knows how to love a woman. My experience has been that men, who have a great relationship with their own mother, tend to have skills […]

Do You REALLY want a soulmate?

This week I spoke to several women who are driving themselves a bit nutty when it comes to manifesting a soulmate. On the one hand they say YES, I want to meet my soulmate. And, then they tell me how slammed they are at work, with overfull schedules and no time for themselves, let alone […]