Manifesting Love: The Priority List

You’ve heard the cliché, “success leaves a trail of breadcrumbs,” and having met and interviewed tons of smart, super-successful women who went from alone and dateless to happily married to their conscious soulmate, I have compiled a list (in no particular order) of the qualities they brought forward in themselves to make it happen. They […]

Powerful Affirmations for Manifesting

If you want to amp up and enhance your manifesting powers, I suggest having a daily practice of affirmations. Your thoughts and words are literally declarations of who you think you are and how you perceive the world to be. Every time you think a negative thought or you make a self-deprecating comment, you’re actually […]

Easy Feng Shui for Fabulous Spring Manifesting

It’s Spring ….yay! For all of us who love the longer, sunny days, Spring has finally arrived. This weekend our friend, Shawne Mitchell, came for a visit.  She is an expert who teaches Soul Style – Aligning Your Lifestyle with Your Soul. Part of her amazing books and programs include the art and science of […]

Do This When He Needs Space

Today I am excited to share with you a very special guest blog from relationship expert, Carol Allen, who will explain, in great detail, how to deal with your guy when he needs “space.”   Her wisdom and guidance are sure to enlighten you! When it comes to love between men and women, there’s a dynamic […]

CUPID is searching for you!

Is it your dream to find a soul mate? A life-partner who will love, cherish and adore you? This wonderful Universe of ours is set up to deliver the people and things we draw to us that are consistent with our personal belief system.  If you don’t believe you will ever find the ONE, then, […]

Manifesting Magic in 26 mins. (NEW no-cost video from me)

Here is a simple fact: The Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working, whether you are focusing on it or not. The vibration of your thoughts and beliefs and feelings are constantly co-creating your reality with the Universe… As a student of the Law of Attraction for more than 30 years, I still need to stay […]

Invite God To Help You Manifest

There are many different ways to pray and I believe one of the most powerful and effective ways are prayers of gratitude. Here is a beautiful letter to God I received from a woman named Mona, from India, and I am excited to share it with you today: Dear God, I love you! I offer […]

What’s Your Blind Spot?

Have you ever gone looking for something (keys, glasses, etc.) only to discover, after much searching, that the keys were just where you left them, or your glasses were on top of your head? It happens to me all the time. Sometimes we are right in front of something (like our potential soulmate, our new […]

Manifesting with Crayons!

My big guilty pleasure these days is coloring….. I color about an hour a day and I have coloring books and felt tip markers in both the living room and my office. It’s a pleasure pig move because it rebuilds oxytocin, not to mention how relaxing, creative, fun and satisfying it is.  I am hooked! […]

Forget Resolutions, Use Manifestation Magic (for anything!)

Have you noticed that your New Year’s resolution list looks pretty much the same year after year? Often it’s a lofty bunch of goals that are forgotten within days or weeks. This year, try something different! Something that works! One of the most powerful Law of Attraction manifesting techniques I use is called “The Letter […]