Asking For What You Want Is Never Easy

Earlier this year I sent out a survey to all of you asking what your most pressing relationship issues are.  I really wanted to discover the biggest “need to know” items.  The overwhelming #1 response was communication skills! Somehow most of us never learned effective ways to ask for what we most want and need. […]

Why Men Marry

Researcher John Molloy interviewed 3,000 couples as they exited marriage license bureaus, and what he learned is was amazing.  Here are just a few of the fascinating facts about “why men marry.” Men are attracted by the physical but marry character.  68% of men said they chose their wives because they were classy, positive, energetic, […]

Busting Through Your Love Fears

Are you terrified of getting hurt (again)? Afraid of being disappointed in love? Scared of dating? Fearful that it’s just “not meant to be?” Guess what?  You are not alone.  Nearly all of us have been hurt, disappointed, scared and fearful of love. The difference between those that find love and those that don’t is […]

Overcoming Your LOVE FEARS

Today I want to share with a story about a woman who believed she would never manifest a soulmate.  Shelly, age 45, was born with a visible physical disability. Although she’d become a successful professional woman, she had resigned herself to never finding love, particularly as she was unable to do many of the normal […]

The Hidden Reason You My Be Blocking Love

In one of my recent workshops, I met Jennifer. Her 20-year marriage ended after her Ex fell in love with her best friend which broke apart two marriages and a lifetime friendship. Jennifer said: “She was like a sister to me. I lost my marriage and both of my best friends all at once.” Jennifer […]

LOVE: It Shouldn’t Be This Hard!

Have you ever wondered why we humans seek a soulmate? What is it about us that craves this deep connection to another? Are we genetically designed to be mated? One fascinating and possible answer comes from Aristophanes, a philosopher of ancient Athens. He offers a wild tale, that he shared at Plato’s Symposium, about how the deep […]

Get the Most from Your Single Days

Today’s wisdom is from my dear friend and bestselling author of Calling In the One, Katherine Woodward Thomas who shares how to get the most out of your remaining days as a single! If you’ve been without a partner for a long time now, living the single life (you know, sleeping in the middle of […]

Starts tomorrow 5:30pm… PT Marianne Williamson & me

Have I shared with you lately how much I love my soulmate? Brian is one of the most loving and easiest people on the planet to be with and what you may not know about him is the incredible amount of nurturing and support he provides for me when I am in crazy work mode. […]

I’ve Got Something Special for You

One of the most fun and creative things I get to do in my life is interviewing the world’s top love experts…luminaries like Deepak Chopra, Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, John Gray, Lisa Nichols, Marianne Williamson, Gay and Katie Hendricks, John Assaraf, Marci Shimoff, and so many more! It’s all part of the AMAZING and […]

The Art of Love

While I realize that many of you have your attention manifesting a soulmate…..have you thought about “once you are in the relationship” if you have all the necessary skills to navigate the days when things get a little bumpy or dare I say it, even a little boring? As a first-time bride at age 44, […]