The one word that could change everything

The other night I was talking to friend and dating expert, Evan Marc Katz, about why some women have so much trouble with finding love. Not surprisingly, we both had the exact same point of view and it came down to one word: softness. Softness with your willingness to tear down the walls around your […]

Happiness. You can make it happen.

 Lately it seems that nearly everyone I know is having major life challenges. So many people are depressed, anxious, unhappy. When I was in my twenties I went through a very painful time of deep depression….I know how hard it is to pull out of that. I was seeing a shrink and on antidepressant drugs. […]

The Drug You Must Give Up to Manifest Love

My wise and brilliant friend, John Assaraf, recently wrote: “The older I get (and hopefully wiser) I realize that some people are just happiest (or most comfortable) when they are miserable. I know it’s an oxymoron but it’s true. As I travel the world sharing the lessons and specific strategies for achieving success, I come […]

First dates, Food & Your Appetite for Love & Life

Dating, whether you love it or loathe it, is an indispensable part of the soulmate manifestation process. Eventually there will be a “first dinner date.” What, and maybe more importantly “how” you order, will let him or her know if you have a healthy appetite for love and life, as well as whether or not […]

Celebrating 16 Blissful Years

This past weekend Brian and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary. Wow, does time fly! One of the assumptions I had about marriage was that the longer I knew my partner, eventually I would be a bit bored….so not true! Brian continues to be most loving and fascinating person I have ever met, and we […]

Make Someone As Happy As You Would Like To Be for Epic Love

When manifesting a soulmate, it’s so easy to think about what we want from the relationship, focusing on our needs, hopes, wishes and desires for an epic love life. But, what if, there were another dimension to the process that can help you speed things up? There are thoughts and energies that contribute to the […]

How To Be The LeBron of LOVE

This morning Brian and I were talking about NBA superstar, LeBron James, and what it took for him to achieve greatness…all the dedicated hours of practice, energy, focus, and most importantly, desire. I realized that many of the same things apply to manifesting a soulmate, without as much sweat! Are you ready to get onto […]

Manifesting A Man who LOVES Women

When creating your soulmate wish list of the heart traits and qualities you most want your beloved to possess, one item to keep in mind is this: A man, who knows how to love a woman. My experience has been that men, who have a great relationship with their own mother, tend to have skills […]

Do You REALLY want a soulmate?

This week I spoke to several women who are driving themselves a bit nutty when it comes to manifesting a soulmate. On the one hand they say YES, I want to meet my soulmate. And, then they tell me how slammed they are at work, with overfull schedules and no time for themselves, let alone […]

Is he the ONE for you?

Ever wonder if your relationship is more good than bad? Or, if it’s right for you? My dear friend Linda Sivertsen, who has a beautiful relationship with her boyfriend of four years, has created the ultimate tool to finally make sense of your love life. It’s called The Boyfriend Log, and it’s an iphone/ipad app. If […]