Are You Leaking Negative Energy and Turning Off Men?

Have you ever considered that the signals you send out (involuntarily) every day may be turning off the very men you’re living with or trying to attract?


Marni_HeadshotMy good friend and colleague, Marni Battista, calls this “negative energy.”


And it’s the #1 chemistry killing mistake that keeps men from asking you out, keeps men from committing to you, and for those of you in a relationship, keeps men from adoring you and treating you like a queen…his queen.


What are the signs that you’re leaking negative energy?


  • If you’re tired of being single, but struggle to attract a really great guy.
  • You’re in a relationship, but it has lost a little bit of that passion or intimate connection that it once had.
  • You feel helpless and frustrated because the men you date don’t want to commit.
  • You keep attracting and falling for guys who turn out to be emotionally unavailable or not into you … and when he is into you, he’s “not your type.”


A great example of where negative energy can come from is actually from the “masculine” energy you have to tap into to be a success at work, which can diminish the “feminine” energy that men are naturally drawn to and attracted to.


A few great tips on how to overcome this that Marni offers are:


  • “Receive” – let a man “do” things for you – and make sure to tap into your feminine and say “thank you”.
  • Give up the need to “be right” – look at how many times you need to be right.  Become adept at knowing sometimes it is better to be “smart” than to be right.
  • Make sure to communicate that you are active and not “busy” – a man who thinks you are too busy, will think you are too busy for him.


In Marni’s new book, Becoming Irresistible (which is FREE to you for the next few days), she leads you through her proven 3-step process and you will discover exactly how to get a great man to pursue you, adore you and commit to you for life.


Here’s a quick peek at of what Marni shares with you in her FREE book:

  • Stop making the #1 attraction-killing mistake all women make, so that you attract the men you want instead of the ones you can get.
  • Learn to trigger an undeniable magnetic attraction between you and any man so that you effortlessly attract ‘the one’ you desire.
  • Discover the secret quality that drives smart, successful men wild (that has nothing to do with SEX) so that you become the woman these men desire for a relationship.


I urge you to get this important book for FREE right now!


Wishing you love, laughter and magical kisses,



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