The Difference Between Manifestation and Magical Thinking

Magical Thinking is something children do naturally and it’s a fun process for them. Believing in Santa Claus is a good example. But when we grow up and mature, engaging in magical thinking will often lead to frustration and disappointment.

Magical Thinking is “wishing” to win the lottery but never buying a ticket.

Magical Thinking is “wishing” for a better job or a new career but never taking real action steps to make it happen.

Our great-niece, Grace.

Magical Thinking is saying you want to write a book but never sitting down to write.

Magical Thinking is hoping you will meet and marry your soulmate “organically,” or wishing and dreaming that one-click Amazon will deliver him or her to your doorstep.

Is it time for you to give up your Magical Thinking and put one of your dreams into action?

If you said yes, here’s a fast 3-step approach to get started.

#1 Make a commitment, for the next week to take 5 baby steps each day towards making your dream come true.

#2 Enroll a friend to be your accountability partner and make a plan to connect daily for that week so they can hold you to your word to do the 5 daily things.

#3 Take time each day to sit in nature and feel what it feels like to have accomplished manifesting your dream.

And, if manifesting a soulmate is your priority, then I invite you for the only two LIVE in person events I am doing this year.

I will be in Chicago at the Infinity Foundation for a one-day workshop on

Saturday, April 27th  and I will be teaching at the breathtakingly beautiful

Esalen the weekend of  May 8-10. Details for both here:


Wishing you love, laughter and magical kisses,




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