Manifesting in Baby Steps

I completed writing my eighth book and I’m feeling a mixture of elation and fulfillment while I am also present to a sense of ease and grace. I began the process one year ago with the writing of the book proposal.

At that time I knew the title and I had a broad idea of what the book would be about but I didn’t have any confidence that I could actually write it.

Writing The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction was rather effortless because it only required that I remember the sequence and details of the steps I took to manifest Brian. All of the material already existed in my memory and in my product

I was about to tackle a subject that had never been written about before and I would need to reveal deeply personal things about my relationship with Brian to make the book authentic and believable. Yikes!

The book, entitled Wabi Sabi Love: Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships, reveals that Wabi Sabi is an ancient Japanese art form that finds beauty and perfection in imperfection.

Wabi Sabi Love is the art and practice of loving the imperfections in ourselves and in our partner. It is not mere acceptance or denial of the things that may annoy us or even drive us crazy but rather a deep and profound appreciation for the uniqueness of each other.

As I began to write the book proposal I found myself frozen at the prospect of sharing my thoughts about this obscure art form and layering it into the world of relationship and marriage. Even though I had personally practiced Wabi Sabi in my life for decades, no one I knew had even heard of it. So, I asked myself a very important question:

What do I need to do to manifest a beautiful book that will be coded with love and wisdom? A book that offers encouragement to couples?

My inner guidance gave me this answer: Find a way to believe you were born to write this book and create a support team to help you.

And that is exactly what I did. I went online to do some research on Wabi Sabi which led me to an article on the subject by Robin Rice , who I then immediately contacted. It turned out that not only is Robin well versed in Wabi Sabi, she has a soulmate relationship and she is a coach!

Within a few sessions I was well on my way to knowing and believing I was meant to write this book. Next I enrolled my husband Brian to be one of my editors on the book and asked my brilliant sister Debbie to provide guidance. Brian then reminded me that my friend, author Christine Hohlbaum, also in a soulmate marriage, would be a perfect freelance editor to work with and thus my support team took shape.

Harper One (publisher of The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction ) bought the proposal and gave me 10 months to deliver the book. (Right now the publication date is set for January 2012 ­ more than year away.)

Early on I decided to write 500 words a day, 5 days a week. Usually I write in the early evening after dinner and on the weekends. I also put a sign on my desk with the name of the book and these words “Let It Be Easy”.

Each day when I sat down to write I would do a short feelingization and then ask myself, what is the next step? Sometimes I would pick up the phone and call a friend and tell them what I was writing about and ask if they knew anyone with a great marriage that I could contact for a possible “Wabi Sabi Story”, or, I would Google a particular word or person and generally whatever was “next” would make itself known.

Manifesting this book was fun, creative, challenging at moments and ultimately very gratifying. Whether it’s a new job, a new love, or a new book, the steps of manifestation are always the same:

1) Have clarity in your intention.

2) Believe and trust you can achieve it.

3) Go into action.

What step can you take today to begin make one of your dreams come true?

My new book Wabi Sabi Love is now available!  Finding your Soulmate is just the beginning.  Read how successful couples keep the soulmate fire burning.  Receive a priceless bonus bundle of advanced love attraction resources and techniques when you order your copy right here:   Wabi Sabi Love