Going the Distance (For Love)

Have you ever been or are you currently in a long-distance relationship? How’s that working for you? Probably not great.

Long-distance relationships are fact of life for many of the estimated 4 million married couples that are living apart from each other, often because one of them has a job far from home.

This weekend we went to see the new Drew Barrymore film, GOING THE DISTANCE. It’s a laugh-out-loud romantic comedy about a couple struggling to make a relationship work when he lives in NYC and she lives in San Francisco.

Garrett (played by Justin Long), is a low-level record-company executive. He meets Drew Barrymore’s character, Erin, while she is interning for a summer at a top New York newspaper. A late bloomer in her early 30s, Erin had once given up everything for romance and was now committed to putting her career first.

They meet at a bar and Erin readily tells Garrett she is not looking to get “involved” and yet chemistry ignites and they enjoy a six-week whirlwind romance before she returns to school at Stanford. While the lovers decide to try to make their cross-country romance work with the help of Skype and cell phones, as with most long-distance relationships, trust begins to break down.

They soon discover that seeing each other once every three months just isn’t enough, and phone sex just doesn’t do it for either of them. I won’t spoil the ending for you but here’s what I can tell you: Skype is great and a virtual hug is never as satisfying as the real thing.

When you are creating your soulmate wish list it’s REALLY IMPORTANT to include on your list WHERE you want to live if you already LOVE where you live. (If you are a free spirit and willing to move anywhere, this doesn’t apply to you.)

As many of you already know, I believe the top two items on everyone’s soulmate wish list need to be the same:

#1 ­ My soulmate is open, willing and available for a long-term, committed, monogamous (add straight or gay) marriage (or partnership if you don’t desire to be married.)

#2. ­ My soulmate lives within ___ miles of me or is willing to move to be with me.

Then add in the traits and qualities of your desired soulmate and descriptions of your life together that will make your heart sing. And, you just might want to add in: My soulmate loves to take me to see romantic comedy films.  Wink. Wink.

Want to try another FAB Magical Manifesting Tool?  Click Here for the Love Mandala and magnetize yourself to Love: Send My Mandala

My new book Wabi Sabi Love is now available!  Finding your Soulmate is just the beginning.  Read how successful couples keep the soulmate fire burning.  Receive a priceless bonus bundle of advanced love attraction resources and techniques when you order your copy right here:   Wabi Sabi Love