What’s Your Moon Shot?

In 1969, Apollo 11 landed the first human on the moon – an amazing dream envisioned by President John F. Kennedy, Jr.   It was known as the “moonshot,” which today is a phrase used to describe “ambitious, exploratory and ground-breaking projects undertaken without any expectation of near-term profitability or benefit and also, perhaps, without a full investigation of potential risks and benefits.”


imagesAnother example of a “moonshot,” was taken by Peter Diamandis, creator of the X-Prize.  When he announced the $10 million dollar prize for the most innovative winner of the X Prize he didn’t have a clue where the money would come from.   After more than sixty meetings with various wealthy individuals and corporations, he finally secured the $10 million in prize money!  He didn’t know how or when he would succeed, he just decided this was his “moonshot” and he would make it happen.


Today the X Prize mission takes on the challenges of our time – the national or global crises, market failures and opportunities where solutions are thought to be either out of reach or just plain impossible – and design and operate incentivized prize competitions to drive radical breakthroughs to solve them.


For some of you, finding your soulmate, or re-inventing your career, or moving to Bali is your “moonshot.”  Right now it seems nearly impossible, out of reach, beyond comprehension, and you don’t currently know how it will happen. However, your desire for a fabulous life can become strong enough to make it happen.


The winning formula is a desire, faith and taking action. What will bring you all the answers is your willingness to truly go for it.  Go for the life you dream of and completely deserve.  Allow yourself to know, trust and belive that what you have asked for IS already yours. Align yourself with those can help and support.


That’s what JFK did.


That’s what Peter Diamandis did.


That’s what you can do.


You don’t have to do it alone.


Enlist a friend to “hold the space” for you.


Find a coach or mentor to guide you through.


Take time each day to feel what it feels like to be living your dream life.


Wishing you love, laughter, and magical kisses,


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