Tag Archive for: Carol Allen

Spiritual and Highly Sensitive People Have the Hardest Time in Love

Although this seems very counter-intuitive, I have found the highly sensitive and spiritual people (for now I will call you HSP’s) have the hardest time finding love and keeping love, especially women. One of the biggest issues around this I have observed is that HSP’s are deeply feeling, not only their own feelings but the […]

Do This When He Needs Space

Today I am excited to share with you a very special guest blog from relationship expert, Carol Allen, who will explain, in great detail, how to deal with your guy when he needs “space.”   Her wisdom and guidance are sure to enlighten you! When it comes to love between men and women, there’s a dynamic […]

Possible Love Turbulence Coming

I was talking to my dear friend Carol Allen, Vedic astrologer extraordinaire, the other day and she shared with me about upcoming planetary conditions that will be affecting a lot of love lives…. I invited her to write this guest blog to shed some light on what to expect: Celestial Storms Ahead – What To […]

Are You In A Season of Love Or Loneliness? What To Do…

I have always found Vedic Astrology to be a useful tool in understanding how the planets are impacting my life and helpful in making decisions.  More often than not, it provides a good explanation from what I am intuitively feeling about how things are going.  One of my favorite astrologers is my dear friend and […]

God’s Cosmic Joke On Men and Women…

I’m constantly amazed at how little men and women understand each other… and at how much needless pain and suffering that causes. Our differences are downright comical – as though God is playing a cosmic joke on all of us. Don’t believe me? Here’s what I mean… Did you know that the more upset a […]

What Men Want (Really!)

You see, soulmates don’t always recognize each other right away. While couples like Arielle and Brian knew instantly, that’s not always the case.

New Moon + Solar Eclipse + Magical Fire Ceremony = Big Love

Fourteen years ago when I was actively manifesting my soulmate, Brian, I created a specific fire ceremony to release my “soulmate wish list” and I purposely did it on a Friday

Do You Believe in Fated Love?

In case you were wondering, what the heck is Vedic astrology? It’s the ancient system of astrology from India and it’s AMAZING for looking at relationships and compatibility. In fact, it’s still used by the majority of the Hindu population to arrange marriages.

The Difference Between Chemistry And A Soul Connection

True intimacy comes both from what we do and who we are and how our energy connects with a man. And, believe it or not, this can all be seen in the stars.