Solar Eclipse + LOVE & YOU

By now you have heard about this crazy month of lunar and solar eclipse activity designed to shake us up, support us, and transform us in positive ways.   The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that occurred on August 7th was all about letting go of limiting beliefs, as well as people and behaviors that no […]

Healing Power of Gratitude

Ready to feel better and heal faster?  Many scientific studies, including research by renowned psychologists Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough, have found that people who consciously focus on gratitude experience greater emotional well-being and physical health than those who don’t.   One way to begin the process is to keep a daily gratitude journal. It’s very simple: each night before you […]

Summer Pleasure – Have a Bunch NOW

Are you having enough fun?  We are midway through summer and before it slips by completely, I want to encourage you to consciously choose to have as much fun as possible. And, ladies, this means choosing pleasurable activities that will not only be fun, but also rebuild your oxytocin levels and reduce stress.  And guys, […]

Forgiveness: Essential For More Love

Maybe it’s just me, but when someone does something mean or upsetting (to me or anyone I know and love), I find getting to real forgiveness is super hard.   I just want to dig in and make them bad and wrong, and I find myself thinking of ways to get revenge.  And yes, I […]

A Little Love Goes A Long Way

I just love the healing power of homeopathy. Based on the theory that “like attracts like,” a homeopathic remedy is an itty, bitty healing dose that generally brings big relief. I think putting out homeopathic doses of love to yourself, friends, family, and the world has a similar effect. What “small dose of love” can […]

Swearing – The surprising benefits!

I have potty mouth. Somehow swearing, especially dropping “F-bombs,” makes me feel better and it seems whenever I watch cable news, I swear like a sailor. Since I always like to find the “good” in everything, I’ve done some research to find out what’s “good” about cussing! Researchers say there are plenty of ways that […]

Be a pleasure puppy this summer

Our cat Yoda is nicknamed “the pleasure pig.” Yoda demands massive amounts of attention, belly rubs, cheek scratches, and snacks we called “Yoda’s Crack.” The other day, I was watching Brian give Yoda his yoga stretching massage and was silently wishing that I was as good at demanding pleasure as Yoda is! I think it’s […]

The Funny Side of LOVE

Today I felt like laughing, so I searched for some funny love jokes, I hope they make you laugh (or at least smile!) ~A lady goes to the doctor and complains that her husband is losing interest in sex. The doctor gives her a pill, but warns her that it’s still experimental. He tells her […]

You are bad, wrong, and broken

Yep.  That’s a message many of us are giving ourselves every day. We have a negative voice in our head that is constantly judging, criticizing, shaming and blaming and “shoulding” on us. I stopped fighting with this voice a long time ago. Now when she speaks, I laugh at her and say: “Yes, you are right.  […]

What’s Your MISERY set point?

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the inevitable “aging and decaying process.” I witness my own body and mind as I struggle with various aches, pains and wrinkles, as well as that of my friends and family. There are days when I just hate it.  I cringe, complain, whine and moan…. In spite of […]