V-Day Rituals for Singles

If it appears that your soulmate will be a tad late for this year’s Valentine’s Day, I would suggest  you create a fun and out-of-the-box way to enjoy it. Here are a few ideas: 1) I once went to great singles party where each invitee had to bring their favorite (still single and still on good […]

Social Media Mania: Being in Love Online

Does social media help you or hurt you when it comes to your soulmate search? Do you know what “social media” is?   Are you tempted to jump in to the internet but don’t know where to start?  You are not alone. The dating and mating rules have all changed since Facebook, Twitter and now Google+ […]

Never Too Early For Wedding Vows

I believe in paying attention to “signs” and this week I’ve been hearing about wedding vows everywhere I go. We just returned from Dallas where we attended the wedding of our niece Sarah and her beloved, Mark.  It was a beautiful garden affair, at sunset, with a brass quartet and a very enthusiastic, loving and […]

When Law of Attraction Fails

Have you ever noticed that the Law of Attraction works for you in some areas of your life but not all? People often ask me “If the Law of Attraction actually works, why doesn’t it work for all of us all of the time?” My sister Debbie and I were talking about this recently and […]

Sex With Your Ex: Bad Idea?

Make-up sex. Break up sex. Mercy sex. Drive by sex. It’s easy sex. I just gotta have some sex. It’s better than nothing sex. Friends with benefits sex. Maybe this time it will be different sex. Sound familiar? These are just a few of the countless reasons why we might fall into bed with an […]

Goals vs Desire – Which One Comes From God?

I think that all of these approaches work if you believe they will (depending on your level of consciousness and to some degree, your destiny).

New Moon + Solar Eclipse + Magical Fire Ceremony = Big Love

Fourteen years ago when I was actively manifesting my soulmate, Brian, I created a specific fire ceremony to release my “soulmate wish list” and I purposely did it on a Friday

The Jim Carrey School of Manifesting

Jim Carrey wasn’t sitting home wishing and hoping or buying into the myth “if it’s meant to be it will happen,” he was actively co-creating his career with the Universe.

Are You Too Busy For Love?

If manifesting a soulmate is something that you say is a major priority for you….and it’s been on your list for more than two years and nothing seems to be happening, chances are you have been “too busy.”

The Love You Seek Is Already Yours

I revealed the 3 KEYS to using the same simple, secret techniques I used to manifest my soulmate and husband Brian so that you can manifest YOUR true love.