For Better or Worse

As most of you know by now, my darling sister Debbie died last week after a very long journey with cancer. Deb and I were as close as two sisters could possibly be. Our lives were deeply intertwined. When she became gravely ill this past month, I basically stopped my normal life to be with […]

This Is The Way To Overcome Doubt

Lately, the question I am hearing most often is, “How do I overcome my doubt that I will ever find my soulmate?” First I would ask you to determine: is this a random thought, a random doubt or do you have a serious “belief” that you will never find your soulmate? It’s important to make […]

Single and Blue at Christmas? Here’s What to Do….

Single for the holidays? Feeling down about it? Trying to talk yourself out of your feelings? We live in a world that is forever preaching to us to be upbeat, optimistic and have positive thoughts. I disagree. Some times we have to allow ourselves to simply feel what we are feeling. To deny, ignore, or […]

When Law of Attraction Fails

Have you ever noticed that the Law of Attraction works for you in some areas of your life but not all? People often ask me “If the Law of Attraction actually works, why doesn’t it work for all of us all of the time?” My sister Debbie and I were talking about this recently and […]

Are You Addicted To Suffering?

Life is too short to waste spent suffering. Most of what you worry about today you won’t even remember a few months from now. Most of what you are trying to change in people today, you won’t care about on your deathbed.

Pain vs. Suffering in Love

I have known the excruciating pain of heartbreak and lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the reality and concept of suffering and how the words “pain and suffering” are so often linked together. Having experienced a lot of both in my life, here’s what I’ve learned so far: Pain is unavoidable, but do we […]

The Beauty of Your Cracks

This Chinese proverb speaks to the power of loving all of yourself, even the parts you perceive as damaged or broken.