The Pink Lemonade Solution

Sh*$ happens. It comes in many forms: illness, money issues, breakups, loved ones pass on (even worse, sometimes it all happens at once)! Since we can’t control the ups and downs of life, we can discover empowering ways how to respond and react. I’ve always loved that old saying, “When life gives you lemons, make […]

Where Did the Love Go?

Seems like the stars and planets have clustered to bring pain to people’s love lives this past week. I’ve gotten many calls and emails from heartbroken people who are baffled and confused by unexpected “love turmoil.” I don’t know what the celestial answer is, but I do know what to do and what not to […]

Sexual Harassment – Enough Already (my story)

Bill Cosby, Roger Ailes, Harvey Weinstein, Bill O’Reilly… just a few of the high profile sexual predators who were finally exposed. Not one of them has really, truly apologized for their horrible behavior and the pain and suffering they have caused. Weinstein blamed it on the “culture of his time.”  As someone who came of […]

Forgiveness: Essential For More Love

Maybe it’s just me, but when someone does something mean or upsetting (to me or anyone I know and love), I find getting to real forgiveness is super hard.   I just want to dig in and make them bad and wrong, and I find myself thinking of ways to get revenge.  And yes, I […]

See Something, Say Something!

People are suffering. All around us, there are loved ones, friends, co-workers, neighbors who are suffering in silence. They don’t know how, can’t, or won’t ask for help. If you ask them how they are, they will smile and tell you they are “fine,” or “great,” or “getting by.” And, in your gut, you know […]

What’s Your MISERY set point?

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the inevitable “aging and decaying process.” I witness my own body and mind as I struggle with various aches, pains and wrinkles, as well as that of my friends and family. There are days when I just hate it.  I cringe, complain, whine and moan…. In spite of […]

Marianne Williamson on love & tears

There’s an old saying that before you meet your prince, you might kiss a lot of frogs. And most of us have. We might chuckle at that, but the truth is that the “wrong” relationships are not just wrong – they’re painful. Have you ever thought about how many tears you’ve cried over love affairs […]

When Life Sucks

Whether you’ve lost your job, Been dumped by a lover, Had a family member or friend (or you) get seriously ill, Or someone has died… There are days, even months or years, when life sucks. Surviving these times with grace isn’t easy, but it is possible. When this happens to me, the first thing I […]

Throw yourself a Pity Party

I want you to think of your 3 most prominent negative beliefs or stories about WHY you are not already with your soulmate. Is it because someone has betrayed you and you have a belief that all Men (or women) lie or cheat or something like that? Is one of your beliefs or stories that […]

Givers, Takers and Emotional Vampires

Over the years I have observed that most people fall into one of three categories that I have named Givers, Takers, and Emotional Vampires. It’s pretty easy to figure out that Givers are heart -entered lovers who’s first consideration is the other person. They provide love, comfort, support, care, compassion and empathy. Givers make any […]