Your work is not your Source, God is your Source

Where do you find inspiration and motivation? I often trip over it in the most unlikely places.

Today I walked into my workout room and the TV was on and Pastor Joel Osteen was just beginning his sermon. Something told me to listen. I did.

I was surprised and delighted to hear what I would call Law of Attraction being preached in Christian terminology.

What a great reminder when I heard him say:

“Your work is not your Source, God is your Source.”

Joel Osteen was preaching on making your big dreams come true by holding true to your faith in God (Universe) to set you up even though you can’t imagine how it’s going to come true. How right he is.  We don’t need to know HOW our dreams will manifest but we do need to trust and have faith for our biggest desires.

Then I started thinking about where else I source inspiration from because I know that I am not here to do anything of value by myself.

I am inspired by my husband Brian and the way he gives deep love to everyone he encounters. He makes me a better person.

I am inspired by my dear friend Marianne Williamson who is a candidate for President, knowing that she has big, powerful, game-changing ideas to improve our society, in spite of the sometimes ugly attacks that come on the harsh campaign trail.

I am inspired by two very dear friends, Claire Zammit and Vivian Glyck.
Claire is teaching women around the globe how to grow and thrive through her Feminine Power curriculum, and Vivian is changing the world with her Girl Power proven program to support adolescent girls in developing nations to stay in school, protect and respect their bodies, and design a life of their choice.

Who inspires you?


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In her groundbreaking research with over 500,000 women, Claire discovered a simple and powerful shift you can make to leap forward into the larger life that’s calling you—or as Claire likes to put it, your “Destiny”.

Women rave about the impact Feminine Power has had on their relationships, career, calling and more:

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Aren’t those inspiring?! What will you use your Feminine Power to create?

The world needs your brilliance, gifts and talents, and I feel so grateful to be able to share this MUST-READ Free eBook with you!

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