Will You Ever Be “Fixed?”

I recently had a conversation with a highly successful man who blew my mind.

We totally bonded over the fact that we are both happy users of the Heartmath technology, and as we talked he confessed something to me.

This tall, dark, and handsome retired NFL player and successful business owner with a beautiful wife and 5 children (living in the most expensive zip code in the country, had tears in his eyes when he showed me his Superbowl ring. He said it was the first time he had worn it in years because most of the time he doesn’t feel worthy enough.

What? This gorgeous hunk, who appears to have it all, has worthiness issues?

He had just completed some deep transformational work and was excited to be moving forward in his life now that he was finally dealing with his core wound issues.

And it was sad to learn how much he suffered internally with his fears and limiting beliefs about himself.

All of this got me thinking about so many of my “super successful friends” who still harbor deep feelings of doubt, insecurity, impostor syndrome and even self-loathing.

I have spent the majority of my life reading self-help books, attending personal growth workshops, been in therapy, tried all kinds of modalities and treatments and sometimes prescription drugs, all in the name of healing some part of my soul and psyche.

The good news is that a lot of this stuff worked.

I did find understanding, relief, transformation, healing and peace.

And the truth is, for me, that some of the things I most wanted to “completely heal” (hint: make them go away forever) are still there.

These “issues” are still lingering under the surface, only coming up once in awhile but still there.

I have finally come to understand that this is totally OK.

Normal even.

Through the years, I have developed my own personal spiritual/emotional toolkit (which includes heart lock-ins and feelingizations) that help me through the day (or the night or the week) and I am no longer crippled by the fear or pain or discomfort that once drove me crazy.

Plus, I have now declared myself “cooked.”

This is it.

This is as good as I’m going to get and it’s GOOD ENOUGH!

But, if you aren’t yet “cooked,” just remember that as you seek and find solutions to your issues, please do it with lots of self-care and compassion and remember to take baby steps and remember that you are already enough! (really, it’s true!)

I am sharing this with you today because if you are using your “issues” as a reason not to go for your dreams, stop it! These issues may always be there, but you only have so many breaths left to take on this planet, so I want to encourage you to go for it now.

Wishing you love, laughter, and magical kisses,


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