Prayer, Gratitude & Acting as If

In his book, Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer, Gregg Braden shares one of my favorite stories about accompanying a tribal shaman on a rain dance. He expected a big production of music, costumes and dance. However, he was quite surprised by what he saw.

The Shaman walked alone to an area marked with stones. He quietly walked around the perimeter for a moment, stopped and closed his eyes in a quiet, meditative state. After a short time in silence the Shaman said he was finished and he was ready to go to lunch with Gregg.

Gregg was surprised at the brevity of the ritual and said to the Shaman “I thought you were going to pray for rain”. The Shaman said “Not pray FOR rain, but PRAY RAIN”. He explained that he “prayed rain” by imagining and feeling the rain landing on his skin, sensing the moisture as it collected on the dirt beneath his feet, smelling the sweet and fresh fragrance, hearing the pitter patter of the drops as they fell, seeing the dewy wetness upon the foliage and watching it fall from the sky. He felt it. He saw it. He lived the experience with every minute detail all within his own mind and heart.
About an hour later, while Gregg and the Shaman were having lunch, the sky opened up and the much-needed rain fell to the ground.

I love this story because it so clearly demonstrates the importance of “acting as if.”  The Shaman felt the rain, gave thanks for the rain and then it rained.
In the chapter on “Living as If” in The Soulmate Secret, this is the same technique I discuss.  Feel what it feels like to be living your life with your soulmate.  Experience the love, the joy, and the fun you will have together. Then give thanks and gratitude to the Universe/God/Goddess/All that Is for delivering to you your perfect right partner.

If you need a little help getting into the right state of open-heartedness, please do this 5 minute  “Heartlight” feelingization.  You can download it here:

My new book Wabi Sabi Love is now available!  Finding your Soulmate is just the beginning.  Read how successful couples keep the soulmate fire burning.  Receive a priceless bonus bundle of advanced love attraction resources and techniques when you order your copy right here:   Wabi Sabi Love