Big Love: Secrets from Soulmates Arielle & Brian

Dear Arielle & Brian,

I am reading The Soulmate Secret and doing the exercises you suggest. Now I am wondering, how many soulmates can we have in this life because I am feeling connection and seeing more than one person as a potential soulmate? The bottom line here is: how am I going to know who is the one? Any advice is greatly appreciated!!


Dear Maria,
You are right, we do have the possibility of many soulmates in a lifetime. How much fun is that?? There is no set number just a nourished soul—YOU! If you have made your soulmate wish list that will help you in determining who the right person might be for you. They should definitely match the most important elements on your list and there should be powerful chemistry and mutual, shared visions for a healthy and loving life together. Once you align your list with someone and actually meet them—you probably will get severe “goose bumps” and from the deepest depths of your heart and soul there will be a loud and courageous “YES” that this is the one, this is how it happens!! “YES” I’m going to TRUST this voice and acknowledgement from source and “YES” I’m going to discern from my heart and soul as I move forward that this inner voice will assist me in determining if this brand new relationship blossoms and flourishes or maybe just settles into a wonderful friendship. Maria, It doesn’t get any better than that does it???
Best wishes and please know we’re sending you lots of love and support in your amazing quest for Big Love.
Arielle & Brian

Arielle Ford, author of The Soulmate Secret: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction and her husband Brian Hilliard, a business consultant, answer your questions about life, love and relationships. They believe that whether you are eighteen or eighty years old finding Big Love is always possible. Email your questions to:

My new book Wabi Sabi Love is now available!  Finding your Soulmate is just the beginning.  Read how successful couples keep the soulmate fire burning.  Receive a priceless bonus bundle of advanced love attraction resources and techniques when you order your copy right here:   Wabi Sabi Love