Spring Cleaning Your Heart (and Home)

The last few days I have been on fire with Spring cleaning. Suddenly, I am filled with energy and motivation to clear out clutter, clean up old messes, wipe down the baseboards, throw out and give away things that aren’t needed… and it feels great.

As part of your Spring Cleaning to enhance your love life, my friend and Feng Shui expert Shawne Mitchell suggests enlivening the Marriage and Relationship section of your home.

To figure out where this is, stand in your front door (facing into your home) and locate the far right corner of the house (or of your bedroom) and this is it!

Not only does this section represent all love relationships, on a spiritual level it also represents your relationship to yourself.
To enliven this space, add artwork that depicts love and romance, or add pairs of things such as two lovebirds, or swans or any animals that mate, like dolphins.

Include fresh flowers, candles, and crystals (you can hang them from the ceiling on red or pink ribbons.)

Art by www.sharronkatz.com

For the romance corner of my office (see photo) I’ve also included my favorite photo of Brian and me.

While I was sorting and cleaning through a variety of items, I began to think about emotional items I could be clearing away as well.

Ask yourself questions such as:

What psychological clutter or negative emotions do I need to let go of?

Who do I need to forgive?

Who do I need to reach out to?

Who can I share more love with?

Clearing and cleaning the clutter of our hearts, minds, and home is a profound and beautiful way to welcome in this new season of hope and rebirth.

Wishing you love, laughter, and magical kisses,


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